Shame Weighs Heavily on the Body

2018-12-06T12:52:15-07:00Anxiety, Changing Habits, Cravings, Depression, Emotional Eating, Hypnotherapy, Life Happiness, Natural Health, Weight Loss|

A Powerful Client's Quote Shows the Link Between Mind and Body I wanted to share this powerful client quote that illustrates how the mind and body are interconnected both physically and metaphorically. We only met less than a week ago, but I just had to let you know that something astonishing has happened! I have [...]

Research Shows Diets Leave You Worse Off!

2018-12-28T07:43:15-07:00Blog, Changing Habits, Cravings, Diet Cures Illness, Emotional Eating, Hypnotherapy, Weight Loss|

Don't Start Another Diet We all know how it starts, I'm gonna do it this time for sure. And maybe we're really motivated ...for a few days, but then what happens? We lose motivation...procrastinate...and eventually fall off the wagon. The Surprising Research About Diets and Weight Loss When we think of losing weight, we think [...]

Small Steps to Lower Blood Sugar and Keep the Body from Storing Fat

2018-12-27T20:17:43-07:00Changing Habits, Cravings, Emotional Eating, Exercise, Natural Health, Weight Loss|

Insulin resistance may be keeping you from losing weight. Insulin resistance is a condition where the cells of the body are not able to use the hormone insulin effectively. This results in high blood sugar. The cells in the pancreas are then stimulated to release more insulin, thus leading to high blood insulin levels [...]

What the Anti-Inflammatory Diet Can Do for You

2018-12-27T20:30:21-07:00Blog, Changing Habits, Cravings, Diet Cures Illness, Emotional Eating, Gluten Free Recipes, Natural Health, Weight Loss|

I've personally tried the anti-inflammatory diet and as I did I notice joint pains dissappearing. I highly recommend giving her suggestions a try and finding out if its right for you. Here is a guest blog post from Dr. Jessica Black,  Author of The Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Recipe Book and Living with Crohn's and Colitis. You can order her [...]

Laughter is good for your mood and your health

2018-12-27T21:01:32-07:00Anxiety, Blog, Changing Habits, Depression, Diet Cures Illness, Emotional Eating, Life Happiness, Natural Health|

Can watching funny movies strengthen your immune system? There are physiological and psychological responses to laughter that affect both the mind and the body. Research studies show that the many health benefits of laughter may be just the ticket to help heal a weakened immune system and restore a positive mindset. Laughter is a great [...]

Are you Eating Your Emotions?

2018-12-28T07:11:10-07:00Anxiety, Blog, Changing Habits, Comfort Eating, Cravings, Diet Cures Illness, Emotional Eating, Life Happiness, Natural Health|

Are you Eating Your Emotions? How do you know you're just snacking versus emotional eating? If you find yourself eating when you are not hungry, mindless snacking, feeling compulsions to eat more than is needed (like finishing the bag of potato chips), you are emotional eating. Emotional eating is an attempt to avoid your emotions [...]

Difficulties with Weight Loss Could Be Wired Into Your Brain

2018-12-29T19:32:56-07:00Anxiety, Blog, Comfort Eating, Emotional Eating, Hypnotherapy, Life Happiness, Motivation, Natural Health, Unconscious Mind, Weight Loss|

If you've struggled with weight loss and nothing seems to work, it could be wired into your brain Kim came to my services, referred by a personal trainer. She had been consistently working with a personal trainer for about a year, and in that time, she had been fairly consistent with working out, meeting with [...]

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