Hypnosis Works!

Myths About Hypnosis

When we think of hypnosis, we think of what we see on the stage, people quacking like a duck or eating an onion because they were told it was an apple. This is stage hypnosis. They use confusational patterns to confuse the mind so it will be open to suggestion. But this type of hypnosis, where people blank out and don’t remember is short lived. After the show, people go back to knowing the difference between an apple and an onion.  This type of hypnosis doesn’t help people incorporate deep level or lasting change.

Hypnotherapy works best for long-term change when the conscious and unconscious work together. When you are able to get your unconscious mind working for your conscious goals, you’ll find yourself releasing the struggle, thinking better, feeling better and your body responds to your directions. In hypnotherapy there is no blanking out or losing control. In fact, it puts you in control of your unconscious programs.

Hypnotherapy is a relaxing process that teaches your mind how to make updates and changes to what the unconscious mind is doing. We use imagery, symbolism and metaphor which speak directly to the unconscious mind – using its own language.

What is the unconscious mind?

Think of the mind as an iceberg. The top part you see above the water is your conscious, active goal setting mind. The portion underneath the water is the unconscious mind or simply your greater awareness which includes your body mind, your automatic and mental habits, patterns and programs and your spirit mind which all together determine your thoughts, your feelings and your daily actions.

Your mind is like a computer. Your brain is the hardware and the software are the programs that you operate from. Hypnosis helps you update your mental software by helping your unconscious mind shift its focus.

For example, if you’ve been craving junk foods its because a part of your mind is focusing on those foods. Sneaky advertising messages tune your brain to feel good about the unhealthy choices and focus on those foods. Through hypnosis, we get your unconscious mind to focus on healthy foods instead and choose foods that are good for your body, that give you health, energy and vitality.

Penny_PortlandOR“This is exactly what I wanted, I wanted to start making healthy choices without even thinking about it.” Penny C, Portland, OR

” I have tried just about every diet out there with little to no success. Being a mother of two toddlers I felt overwhelmed with my weight. After the first session, I lost 11 pounds. I am so grateful I found Holly.” – Natillie R, Salt Lake City, UT

Also see the Success Stories page

If you’ve struggled with weight, cravings, negative thinking, stress, recurring negative feelings, lack of motivation or even self sabotage – finally there is hope! These are patterns in your brain or your mental software. It’s simply time for an update!

In the first session, we identify what your unconscious mind is focusing on and what mental programs or patterns need to change so that you can get to that place where your healthy weight is easy and natural. We’ll map out a complete program to support you.

Hypnosis does deepen over time. Just like meditation, the more that you practice it, your mind has a better ability to focus its awareness and incorporate positive change at a deeper level. Repetition is also important. With followup sessions, we reinforce the results helping your brain wire in new mental habits and patterns.

Will hypnosis work for me?

You might be wondering, how do I know if hypnosis will work for me? Well, if you can visualize mental pictures, hypnosis will be a good fit. Try this little exercise: Imagine holding a lemon, see the bright yellow waxy surface. Imagine taking a knife and cutting it in half, hold up one of the halves to your nose and smell that fresh lemon scent. And now, imagine taking a big bite of the lemon and as you do the sour juices flow over your tongue, taste the fresh lemon flavor.

Did you feel your body respond? Maybe you felt your salivary glands activate or your mouth pucker. This is clear evidence that our body responds to what we think about. You didn’t really have a lemon, but the mental picture was enough to communicate with your body

DSC_0164Try a Starter Hypnosis Session  (50 minutes)

  • We’ll identify what your unconscious mind is focusing on.
  • Experience how to get your conscious and unconscious mind to work together.
  • De-mystify weight loss for you.
  • Understand why weight loss has been such a struggle and what you can do about it.
  • Map out a complete program to fit your specific needs and your budget.



Limited Time Only $45 for your first 60 minute session. Offer  for first time clients only.

Just click or call to schedule your appointment: 801-810-9406

I work with clients all across the world by Skype, by phone in the U.S. or in person in Salt Lake City, UT.

Here’s to Your Health, Happiness, and Success

Holly Stokes, The Brain Trainer

Email: Holly@BrainTrainerCoach.com

Hypnosis has a wide variety of applications, anything we want the mind and body to do better, we can affect in a positive way with hypnosis. Here’s just a sampling of common core issues that we can address with your weight loss hypnosis program.

  • Weight Loss
  •  Cravings
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sleep Issues
  • Self Criticism
  • Motivation
  • Confidence
  • Self Worth and Value
  • Body Image
  • Self Love
  • And More!

Hypnosis is a terrific path to thinking better, feeling better and even personal growth.

If you love understanding yourself better, knowing what makes you tick and how to work with your mind, body and spirit and even find your path to your more fulfilling life – then hypnosis is for you.

Click above or call to schedule your first session: 801-810-9406


