Are you tired of doing weight loss the hard way?
- Are you tired of yoyo dieting and counting calories?
- Are you tired of exhaustive hours at the gym and feeling frustrated?
- Are you tired of losing the weight only to gain it right back plus more?
If you’ve struggled with weight, felt frustrated with diets, tried everything out there and nothing has worked, you are not alone my friend.
So many people are struggling with weight, 2/3 of Americans are overweight. And the way America is doing weight loss isn’t working.
You may have followed a program, even seen results and still fell off the wagon….if this is you, you’re not alone… I was there too!
In one Stanford study, researchers showed that 96% of dieters gained all the weight back plus more within two years. Our old systems of ‘dieting’ doesn’t work!
Even though we know what to do, it can feel impossible to make ourselves do it! Believe me I know, I had certified as a Nutritional Vitalogist, even though I knew the foods to eat, the foods to avoid, I still hoarded cookies under my car seat and finished them off in a couple days!
It was the cravings I couldn’t control.
Cravings can seem out of control because they are running automatically. And then we find ourselves fighting between, “I know I shouldn’t eat this and here I go again!” And then we go down the spiral of guilt and self blame.
But there is an easier way, when you “Train Your Brain.”
In my own story, I released 40 pounds and kept it off – easily for over 16 years now! Let me share with you the tools and skills to slim down naturally with lasting success – no dieting, no counting calories, no depriving yourself….no kidding!
Over the last 17 years working with thousands of clients in changing habits and cravings, I’ve made it simple. When you know what to do and you get your BRAIN onboard with your healthy lifestyle, it makes all the difference.
The REAL reasons we gain weight are wired into the brain:
Your brain is responsible for everything you think, feel and do – and what you put into your mouth and even hidden factors like hormone balance!
You might be recognizing by now that it all really comes back to your BRAIN.
Yep, that’s right. It’s all brain habits baby!
But the brain can change, it can learn new habits and patterns quickly with the right TOOLS and the RIGHT SUPPORT. I’ve seen so many people really struggle with making healthy lifestyle change, they just didn’t have the right information to complete the puzzle.
That’s why I developed the A Lighter You System. Get the SKILLS for your BRAIN, the TOOLS and the SUPPORT to make this time your last weight loss program. Once you have the skills, once your brain is onboard, its natural, even easy to keep your fit healthy body.
I don’t have cravings anymore, I cut out wheat and dairy and sugar and it healed up my colon. I no longer have to spend $500 on medications for my colon every month. I’m finding progress with losing weight, but really feeling healthier.” –Susan L. Salt Lake City
It’s about recognizing what works for you, so you can do more of what’s working. Not everyone needs to go gluten free, dairy free, but these known allergens can be wreacking havoc on your health.
So how do you “Train Your Brain?”
Advances in the field of applied psychology include several modalities and skills, NLP & Hypnosis are some of the most effective and powerful skills to change the brain’s automatic patterns and create new pathways by working with the Unconscious Mind.
There’s a lot of myths about Hypnosis, but the simplest explanation is that Hypnosis helps your Unconscious Mind switch its focus. So if it had been focusing on eating the wrong foods, carrying around body shame or feeling bad about yourself, hypnosis helps your automatic mind make the switch.
Neuro Linguistic Programming, a field of applied psychology contains practical tools and processes to rewire the brain, including changing habits quickly, curbing your cravings, tapping into your instant motivation and more.
I’ve included these powerful processes in this program.
10 Professional Hypnosis Recordings to ‘Train Your Brain’
A Lighter You! Mind Body Weight Loss 6 Hypnosis Audio set is delivered to you over the course of several weeks. As you listen to these Hypnosis Audios, you’ll be training your brain to think better and feel better about you.
Hypnosis may be counter – intuitive to weight loss because we think we need to eat less and move more.
However, stress is a HUGE contributor to weight gain. The relaxing nature of hypnosis helps you de-stress, feel better and counter the effects of stress. Did you know that high stress and anxiety could actually be creating or even causing hormonal imbalances?! Yep.
Plus, Hypnosis can help you change your habits, boost your motivation and clear the mental blocks that are sabotaging your healthy life and body.
Here’s the Essential Hypnosis Processes to Get Your Brain Onboard with Your Healthy Weigh: Step Into Your Healthy You, Curb Your Cravings, Release Your Reasons, Boost Your Metabolism, Motivation for Fitness, Enlightened Self Image
Plus, Get Access to What You Need to Know for Lasting Weight Loss Success!
A Lighter You Online Access is easy and convenient. Go at your own pace, explore the many resources available to boost your motivation and your success.
- 6 Masterclass Videos “A Lighter You! Train Your Brain to Slim Your Body”
- 6 Masterclass Videos on “A Lighter You! Health Coach’s Guide to Nutrition in Action”
- 6 Hot Topic Masterclasses including Hormone Balance, Intuitive Eating, Stress Relief
Hypnosis Makes Weight Loss Easier, more natural and offers so much more!
The Nutrition Support program is diabetic friendly, based on research about HOW foods affect the body. The anti-inflammatory effects of this program can also reduce symptoms of joint aches, inflammation and even autoimmune conditions (I speak from experience here).
Stay Supported in Achieving your Ideal Weight
- Receive Healthy Lifestyle Reminders
- Reduce the NEED for medications
- Train your Brain to THINK and FEEL better
- Have More ENERGY
- Optimize your Health
“Following the program, my body aches reduced by 50% within 10 days.” –Holly Stokes, Creator
“After just 15 days of eating on this program, my arthritis dissappeared, now I can play on the floor with my grand kids!” –Kim B, Nurse Portland, OR
Reaching your Ideal Healthy Weight and Body of course takes time and focus you also need SUPPORT in the journey to your ideal weight and body.
A Lighter You! Membership program in easy to follow segments to keep you engaged, focused and supported. Staying on track comes from keeping the mind focused – and with the right skills it gets easier and easier.
In A Lighter You System, I’ll give you the brain skills and tools to change your brain, change your body and change your life for the better.
Where your mind goes, the body will follow – and it will follow you to your healthy weight.
Isn’t it time to address the REAL reasons we gain weight? Cravings, Lack of Motivation, Mental Blocks and Self Sabotage?
Plus, learn what you need to know so you can enjoy these powerful benefits. It’s healthy and natural weight release, but also so much more. Create your healthy lifestyle for health, energy and vitality. Your body will thank you!
Boost Your Energy
- Feel Better In Your Body
- Reduce Stress – A Hidden Culprit both with Weight & Chronic Illness
- Relieve Body Aches & Move Easier
- Reduce the Need for Medications
- Up-level Your Vitality
- Improve Your Health
Get the Support You Need to Train Your Brain!
Plus Facebook Private Group for Interactive Support
This makes it so convenient for you to post questions, get answers, share tips or recipes and connect with others. And its a safe place to share your healthy lifestyle journey – what you post will only show up in other member’s feeds. We are creating a safe place to connect, encourage and support each other. Occasionally I run contests for prizes. Download the ‘Top 5 Worst Dieting Mistakes’ in the files section.
Find great fast and easy allergen free recipes, tips and videos and more!
Plus 90 Days of Motivation!
Daily Motivational Emails give you quick and easy tips and things to remember keeping your health and slimmer body on the top of your mind. You’ll receive Daily Motivational Emails for the first 30 days, then the emails will slow to once every other day, then every two days thereafter. Daily emails are Quick Tips taking only 1-2 minutes to read, read them as they come in and drop them into your folder. Plus short and sweet videos will be sprinkled throughout.
Get on Your Healthy Weigh to Vitality & A Lighter You Now!
Get A Lighter You in 90 Days Online Program:
- A Lighter You Train Your Brain to Slim Your Body book (delivered in weekly lessons) pdf
- A Lighter You Health Coach’s Guide to Nutrition Made Easy (delivered in weekly lessons) pdf
- 10 Professional Hypnosis Recordings to Train Your Brain $200 Value
- 6 Masterclasses of Train Your Brain to Slim Your Body $180 Value
- 6 Masterclasses of Healthy Eating Made Easy $120 Value
- 6 Healthy Hot Topics Recorded Classes $120 Value
- 90 Daily Motivation Quicktip Emails & Videos $60 Value
- Community Support in Facebook Group $60 Value