
Research shows regular exercise is found to be as effective as antidepressants.

Can exercise be a prescription for depression?

We all know the health benefits of exercise, but what about the mental health benefits?

Research studies show that exercise can be as effective for depression as antidepressants.  A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, followed 156 men and women divided into three groups. One group participated in an aerobic exercise program, one group took Zoloft, and a third group did both. After 16 weeks, depression symptoms had eased in all three groups and 60-70% participants,  could not be classified as having major depression.

A followup study showed the effects of exercise lasted longer than antidepressants. From Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School “Understanding Depression”, reported that researchers checked in with 133 participants six months after the study had ended, those who engaged in regular exercise were less likely to relapse into depression.

Read the full article here, plus the top 5 tips for Motivation for your exercise program. http://www.examiner.com/article/can-exercise-be-a-prescription-for-depression

It is believed that symptoms of depression are alleviated through the release of

Here’s to Living your Healthy Lifestyle,

Holly Stokes, Motivational Coach

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