How Does Hypnosis work for Stress and Anxiety?

Hypnosis for stress relief and anxiety in Salt Lake CityAs our lives have become more complicated, our levels of stress have increased. Technology has made our lives easier, but along with it also comes more demands on our time. It used to be that phones were plugged into walls, but now we carry them in our pockets, it’s like we are essentially on-call all the time.

Yes sure text messaging is easier. But there’s an expectation to respond within minutes. There are simply  more demands on our time and attention.

How does Stress Affect the Body?

Stress is the body’s response to threat. Though much of what we experience in our world today is “perceived threat” – still the body engages the fight or flight response to the challenges we face. This is a physiological response in the body affecting our bodies in a very real way.

When we experience stress the body prepares to either fight off an attacker or run away by releasing stress hormones.  In response to adrenaline and cortisol, the heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, blood is shunted to our muscles and away from the brain as the body goes into fight or flight response.  These stress hormones, cortisol, actually causes our body to gain weight over time.

Stress can affect how well we operate both physically and mentally. Stress affects our immune system, recovery, our digestion, our heart health, our focus, our job performance, chronic illnesses. Stress is also a leading factor in the top 6 causes of premature death:  Heart Attack, Stroke, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Accidents and Illness.

The Center for Disease Control Says 90% of Doctor Visits are Due to Stress

Stress Relief and Anxiety Relief with Hypnosis Salt Lake CityThere body’s nervous system has two parts, the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system. When one is in engaged, the other is not.  When the body is in flight mode,” then its not working on the systems of heal and repair. When the body is in relaxation mode, also referred to as “rest and digest” that’s when it works on replacing old cells, working on the immune system and healing and repair.

The “fight or flight” mode of the body is meant to give us a burst of energy to fight off an attacker or run away. And then in times of peace and quiet, the body goes back into rest and digest mode. The problem is that more and more often, the body is staying in at least low levels of the fight or flight mode because of what the mind is doing.

The stress response is a very clear example of how the mind affects the body

Think about the things that cause stress.  Many people feel stress about money, worry about how their children are doing in school, or feel anxious about meeting new people. The things that are causing us stress in our lives now are not the same as our ancestors. The main sources of stress we have now are perceived threat or imagined threat.

We know the mind is affecting the body as much of the stress we have now is not to physical danger but to what we think about or imagine. The worries in the back of the mind can create a baseline of stress, keeping the body system from relaxing and doing its rest and digest mode.

Many forms of stress management include such things as journaling or yoga, meditation or taking time to relax. But these activities only alleviate stress after it has happened. Most of the stress we experience is coming from the BRAIN. So unless you’re addressing stress and anxiety at the Brain Habit level~ you’ll likely continue to struggle.

The stresses we experience now are mostly from habits and patterns of the brain

There are some people who handle stress very well, and others who seem unable to handle much at all. The difference is in the brain.

Through our life experiences, our brain can actually pick up stress habits – automatic responses of stress in different situations. We may have stress habits around money, our boss at work, coworkers,  traffic, or even friends and family. Even though we love them, they can also be causing our brain to stress.  Here’s just a few automatic stress habits the brain could be running:

  • Stress Triggers
  • Anxiety Triggers
  • Worries of the Future
  • Dwelling on Past Events
  • Fears About Certain Situations
  • PhobiasHypnosis weight loss program salt lake city

But what if we could actually teach the brain to stress less?

What if we could train the brain to reroute the stress response, curtail stress and feel more comfortable and relaxed with inner calm?  Yes, we can. The brain can learn new habits quickly, change old patterns, and even unwind old attitudes and habits. We can actually teach the brain new strategies for handling stress, replace the old stress habits, and train your brain to stress less – increasing your quality of life.

We all know people who handle stress better than others. The secret is in your mental strategies. When we train the brain to use better strategies, it’s much easier to handle the stressors of life.

NLP & Hypnosis help the brain create new habits and patterns quickly

With advances in understanding how the brain works, and developments in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy, we can engage the brain to update old patterns even very quickly. With this cutting edge technology for addressing the underlying brain habits and patterns around stress, you can quickly break free of extra stress and anxiety and get to a more comfortable place of thinking more clearly, and feeling more calm and comfortable in any situation.

With positive strategies, my clients have even been able to combat the effects of stress, reroute the brain, enjoy greater calm and even better health. Find your inner calm, create habits of inner ease and well being. You’ll be thinking better, feeling better and your body will thank you.

Isn’t it time to break free of automatic brain habits of stress and worry and start enjoying life more?

Call now to book the Initial Brain Body Assessment: 801-810-9406

Or Click here to Schedule a Free Consult or Session

We’ll identify what the underlying brain habits and patterns that are affecting you, create your roadmap to inner ease and calm and  start the process of ‘training your brain’ into a better life today!

I work with clients all across the globe with online conferencing or by phone.

In the Salt Lake City area, come inperson to the office at Life Harmony Wellness Center.