Based on science and research learn how to keep your body in the fat burning zone through a 6 week workbook guide. You simply cannot have a REAL conversation about health and lasting weight loss without addressing the QUALITY of foods you are eating!
If you are ready to begin your journey to Healthy Living, Energy & Vitality- this is your guide to getting there! If you are ready for more energy, less aches and pains, more health, greater well-being, and a greater ability to enjoy life – this is your roadmap.
Sometimes we think foods are healthy even when they are really not. For example, you may think yogurt is healthy, but did you know there is more sugar in most flavored yogurts than a candy bar?
This guide will help you demystify complex nutrition information, and make the changes to your health plan so that you can slim down and enjoy lasting weight loss success. It takes you from the Modern American Diet (meat and potatoes or french fries and burgers) to SUPERFOODS. If you are ready for SuperHealth ….you need to power your body with SuperFoods!