A Powerful Client’s Quote Shows the Link Between Mind and Body

I wanted to share this powerful client quote that illustrates how the mind and body are interconnected both physically and metaphorically.
We only met less than a week ago, but I just had to let you know that something astonishing has happened! I have lost 7 pounds and the only explanation for it is the session that I had with you—-whaaaaaaaat???
Somehow, by transforming the deep shame that I had been taught to feel whenever I made a mistake into “mistakes are part of the process of learning, mistakes reveal opportunities.” Now they ‘feel’ FUN! Like “YAY! I made a mistake!” I am not afraid anymore! I am not hiding. I feel lighter in my soul & the center of my being doesn’t feel empty anymore!  I am so very grateful for your compassion and desire to empower others.” –With sincere appreciation, Tobey Z.
My heart goes out to all of you have struggled with shame, feeling less than or that you can’t own who you are and allow yourself to enjoy the process of learning through life. I have been there too – but life and health get easier with the BRAIN onboard.
In a very practical way we can recognize that old emotions, negative thinking, self criticism creates stress. That level of stress adds to the patterns of cravings – and the body responds, metaphorically and even physically.

It’s time to stop the shame and blame game.

Negative thoughts and feelings create extra stress on the body.  Sometimes these thoughts and patterns are happening so fast, we don’t recognize them or take it for granted as that is just how we feel or that is just how life is. Fortunately, they are all brain habits – and the brain can learn to change them – quickly.
Clear out the mind traps – think better – feel better – become your better YOU!

Are you ready to give your brain an update?

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