Reduce the need for insulin with walking says study

Insulin resistance may be keeping you from losing weight.

Insulin resistance is a condition where the cells of the body are not able to use the hormone insulin effectively. This results in high blood sugar. The cells in the pancreas are then stimulated to release more insulin, thus leading to high blood insulin levels as well.

When we eat, the body breaks down food into glucose, a form of sugar the body uses for energy. When blood sugar levels increase, it signals the pancreas to release insulin, the hormone that carries the sugar into the cells to be used for fuel.

When the body has elevated high blood sugar levels, it signals to the body to store the sugar as fat.

High blood sugar levels and insulin resistance are precursors to diabetes.

So how do you change insulin resistance?

When we do the things that keep our blood sugar stable, the body releases the excess weight and we slim down naturally. Rather than thinking of a ‘weight loss’ program, think of a blood sugar management program.

Recent research found that a 15 minute walk right after a meal significantly reduces blood sugar levels and was even more effective than 45 minutes of sustained walking at other times:

Wait- 15 Minutes?? That’s just a couple of laps around the block!

It only takes moderate exercise to regulate blood sugar levels and it even reduces the need for insulin.

How does exercise reduce blood sugar and the need for insulin?

A research study on the effects of exercise and blood sugar found that muscle contractions increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin, thus boosting the effectiveness of insulin. This process of muscle contractions stimulates the body to convert the glucose to glycogen rather than fat. From the American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 2012

The muscle contractions help the body burn the sugar as fuel thus regulating blood sugar and keeping the body from storing it as fat. Exercise acts to help the body better use the insulin.

You can do it. You can find your healthy lifestyle with small and easy steps.

Join us for ‘DON’T Start Another Diet! Tues. July 14, 7:00-8:30 pm. Did you know diets are actually bad for you and set you up to fail? Join us for an evening of understanding the mind and the body and what to do instead of dieting for your lasting weight loss success.

At 1111 Brickyard Rd, 109 Salt Lake City, UT 84106. Tickets $10 online or $15 at the door.

Get tickets at:

Another important piece of blood sugar management is eating foods that don’t spike your blood sugar. Most diabetics know to avoid highly refined and processed foods such as breads, sweets and high carb foods.

But we often crave the wrong foods for emotional reasons. We feel bored, we feel lonely, we feel stressed or upset or we look to food for comfort.

See the article:  How to End Comfort Eating here.

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