This is a phenomenal video of Dr. Terry Walls speaking. She had advanced stages of MS, Multiple Sclerosis. She did the research to develop a diet for her brain and nervous system, and basically cured herself of the disease. Watch this video and then join me in the challenge of eating 3 full plates of vegetables everyday!

Did you know the CDC estimates that 1 in 2 American adults have a chronic illness? That’s staggeringly high, of course they take into account things like high blood pressure, cardio vascular disease and ailments that don’t impinge functioning, but still – that makes me think we are a sickly society. 

We’ve all know fruits and vegetables are good for us, but what kinds are most important? With this Dr’s insight to what nutrition the brain needs, it sounds really similar to the Paleo diet – eating
the diet our ancestors have eaten which is what human bodies have been living on for thousands of years. Join me in the challenge of eating 3 full plates of veggies a day! Its harder than you might think!