How does Hypnosis Work for Weight Loss?

When we think of weight loss, we usually think, eat less and move more.  But weight loss is not the same for everyone. The reasons we gain weight can range from simple to very complicated.

At the simple level, we have habits like overeating or the need to clean your plate. Then, at the more complicated level, we run into cravings and lack of motivation.

Cravings are not rational and logical, they come from the unconscious mind, and that is why they are so hard to fight against. Motivation is a feeling and this also is generated from our unconscious.  Then at the deepest level, we can have unconscious programs working against us, these are responsible for self sabotage. Self sabotage is when you know what you should do, but you just can’t make yourself do it.

If we want to stop struggling with ourselves and get to our ideal weight and maintain it easily and naturally, we need to work
at the appropriate level of our mind. Hypnotherapy can address these underlying issues and the reasons that cause us to gain weight by working with the unconscious mind. By working with hypnosis, we can dissolve old habits, eliminate cravings and even update the unconscious programs that are working against us. When our unconscious mind is aligned to our conscious goals, it’s seemingly effortless to take the positive actions that move us forward.

What is hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

When we think of hypnosis, mostly we think of what we see on stage, someone eating an onion, thinking it’s an apple, or quacking like a duck. In this kind of hypnosis, the hypnotist confuses the mind so that the person will look for direction from the hypnotist. But, not everyone can be hypnotized this way, and the results are short lived. When the person goes back to their regular life, they can still tell the difference between an apple and an onion.

Hypnotherapy is a process of accessing the unconscious mind through the use of relaxation and focusing techniques, often using visualizations. The general population responds better to this form because of the relaxing nature of the process, and the more a person practices this kind of hypnosis, the more adept one becomes at accessing the unconscious mind.

How does Hypnosis Work?

The process of using guided visualization speaks to the unconscious mind and helps it make positive updates and changes. As we feed our mind positive messages, the brain creates positive thought patterns. As we repeat these thought patterns through sessions or through the use of hypnosis CDs, the brain wires in new mental habits around these positive messages.

Repetition is a key factor in the success of hypnotherapy. Chances are, you’ve been practices old mental habits for a long time. The process of repeating sessions or CDs helps to reinforce the positive changes and helps the brain create positive mental habits to support you in your weight loss goals. If you want to be motivated to take positive action, you need to feed your mind the positive messages.

From working with my clients, I found I was repeating myself often, so I professionally recorded six CDs designed to rewire the thinking patterns so that you can enjoy lasting weight loss success. See the whole A Lighter You program here