How to Change a Habit with NLP

2018-12-27T20:52:57-07:00Blog, Changing Habits, Comfort Eating, Life Happiness, Natural Health, Unconscious Mind, Weight Loss|

Sometimes changing a habit is as simple as remembering. When you have enough healthy habits, you can enjoy lasting weight loss success. Use this Neuro-Linguistic Programming process for making a new habit. Think of a change that you'd like to make and think of the context, where does it fit in your routine? For this [...]

Laughter is good for your mood and your health

2018-12-27T21:01:32-07:00Anxiety, Blog, Changing Habits, Depression, Diet Cures Illness, Emotional Eating, Life Happiness, Natural Health|

Can watching funny movies strengthen your immune system? There are physiological and psychological responses to laughter that affect both the mind and the body. Research studies show that the many health benefits of laughter may be just the ticket to help heal a weakened immune system and restore a positive mindset. Laughter is a great [...]

Can Exercise Cure Depression? Plus, top 5 Tips for Motivation

2018-12-27T21:10:29-07:00Blog, Changing Habits, Depression, Diet Cures Illness, Exercise, Life Happiness, Motivation, Natural Health|

Research shows regular exercise is found to be as effective as antidepressants. Can exercise be a prescription for depression? We all know the health benefits of exercise, but what about the mental health benefits? Research studies show that exercise can be as effective for depression as antidepressants.  A study published in the [...]

Green Drink Smoothie

2018-12-27T21:17:33-07:00Blog, Changing Habits, Diet Cures Illness, Gluten Free Recipes, Healthy Recipes, Natural Health, Weight Loss|

Green Drink Smoothie supports health and recovery from chronic illness. I’ve been adjusting to Utah, it’s been nice being closer to family, being a part of the lives of my nieces and nephews.  I’ve had some health issues recently, but I am quickly recovering and back on my feet. Recently, I was watching Rachel Ray [...]

Are you Eating Your Emotions?

2018-12-28T07:11:10-07:00Anxiety, Blog, Changing Habits, Comfort Eating, Cravings, Diet Cures Illness, Emotional Eating, Life Happiness, Natural Health|

Are you Eating Your Emotions? How do you know you're just snacking versus emotional eating? If you find yourself eating when you are not hungry, mindless snacking, feeling compulsions to eat more than is needed (like finishing the bag of potato chips), you are emotional eating. Emotional eating is an attempt to avoid your emotions [...]

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